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Varsity Club

What is the Varsity Club?

Are you a dedicated athlete on a Varsity Sport team? Do you want to step up and be a leader for your team? The Varsity Club is a group of student-athletes who represent their Varsity Sports and promote school spirit. Each team selects 1-2 representatives to be the bridge between their coaches and the Varsity Club.

What does a Varsity Club Rep do?

  • Be a Team Leader: You’ll be the go-to person for your team on all things Varsity Club.
  • Maintain Team Accounts: Help your coach keep your team’s Varsity Club account active. This is important because New York State requires student involvement in these accounts.
  • Support Fundraising: Assist your coach with submitting deposits and fundraising forms for the Varsity Club.
  • Give Back to the Community (optional): If time permits, Varsity Club reps may also participate in service projects.

Getting Involved

If you are a Varsity athlete interested in joining, we recommend you ask your coach about the process. Each team has its own selection process for choosing representatives.