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National Honor Society Guidelines

The National Honor Society is a distinguished organization. Exemplary academic and social responsibility are mandated traits for all members. Members should exemplify the four pillars of National Honor Society:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Service
  3. Leadership
  4. Character

New Member Guidelines:

  • The candidate must have an overall unweighted GPA of at least 90% in the four core subjects (English, Math, Social Studies, and Science).
  • The candidate must have maintained passing grades in all subjects, during the most recent 4 marking periods. Only 10 week grades will be considered.
  • The candidate must write an essay documenting “How you demonstrate the four pillars of National Honor Society.” Essays are to be a minimum of one page, single-spaced, Times New Roman size 12.
  • In the year of membership application, the candidate cannot have more than 12 absences or 12 tardies for the school year. Special circumstances, such as a debilitating illness or extended hospital stay may be considered by the faculty committee, however, if the committee decides against the candidate, no appeal can be made.
  • After approval of the faculty committee, the candidate must serve two nights as tutor at Salmon River’s Academic Intervention Service (AIS). This can be done at the high school or junior high school level. This service requirement must be completed at least one week before the official NHS induction.
  • National Honor Society applications will be distributed on May 1st and must be returned no later than June 1st of every year. Absolutely no late applications will be considered for any reason.
  • Transfer students will be considered for membership if they meet the minimum standards listed above. They must complete an application before membership will be granted. They will have 1 calendar month in order to complete the application from date of enrollment. It is the transfer student’s responsibility to seek out the Faculty Advisor for National Honor Society in order to receive an application.