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School Comprehensive Education Plan

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District: Salmon River Central School District

School Name: Salmon River Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Commitment 1

Our Commitment

What is one commitment we will promote for 2022-23?

We commit to implementing sustainable programs to build a strong social-emotional foundation for our students.

Why are we making this Commitment?

Things to potentially take into consideration when crafting this response:

  • How does this commitment fit into the school’s vision?
  • Why did this emerge as something to commit to?
  • In what ways is this commitment influenced by the “How Learning Happens” document? The Equity Self-Reflection? Student Interviews?
  • What makes this the right commitment to pursue?
  • How does this fit into other commitments and the school’s long-term plans?

Our vision statement is, “The Salmon River Central School District values academic achievement, cultural diversity, and celebrates individuality within a safe, supportive learning environment.” To reach that vision, the staff at Salmon River know that the social-emotional wellness of each of our students is an essential foundation to their success. 

When conducting the student interviews, many students shared that they all have struggles and challenges that they are facing that dramatically impact their lives. Within the discussion as the Equity Self-Reflection was completed, the staff and parents emphasized the importance of the school addressing these social-emotional needs of students so that they can succeed. As a team, we feel that a Social-Emotional Wellness goal is an important step for this coming school year. We plan to use the Serenity Room to teach students coping mechanisms, implement school-wide systems that teach social-emotional strategies, incorporate behavior boot camps, and use the Naviance system to help students to develop long-range goals for themselves.

Key Strategies and Resources

What strategies will we pursue as part of this Commitment?

Use of Serenity Room to teach students coping mechanisms and social-emotional strategies.

What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Administer BIMAS assessments three times throughout the school year (fall, winter, spring). 

A social-emotional team will analyze the data and identify students in need of additional support.

The Holistic Life Foundation will continue to provide the Serenity Room with scheduled times for struggling students identified on BIMAS.

Serenity Room data will be collected monthly using a system using google form with a deadline. Data will be shared with staff, and committee members.

Continued use of Mindful Moment videos each morning for students to develop breathing strategies to regulate their emotions.

What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (Could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS) data: Percentage of students at the “Level of Concern” in the Social category will decrease by 5% from the Fall to the Spring administration.

Analysis of Serenity Room students use data to be analyzed by a team (Counselors, Serenity Room Staff, IST, Administration, Home-School Coordinator, Behavioral Consultant): 

  1. Data showing any students who have used the room have decreased time in the room now. We want to see if the strategies being taught in the room are now being used with the students on their own without having to go to the room. 
  2. Utilization rates of the scheduled serenity room appointments by identified students. 
  3. Exit interviews(sheet with smiley faces) data from them.

What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for the BIMAS program. Holistic Life Foundation to lead the Serenity Room. Individuals will be needed to analyze the BIMAS data, to participate on a team to develop structures and systems to support students in need. Continued space for the Serenity room. 

Funding for the morning Mindful Moment videos – consultant – Maryann Post

Implement school-wide systems that teach social-emotional skills and strategies.

What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Develop a mentoring program that will be utilized to provide social-emotional support and skills to all students.

Character Traits of the Month: 

  • Activities and competitions surrounding character traits 
  • Books of the Month read and discussed with all students in relation to the character trait 
  • Students of the Month chosen and celebrated 

Second Step Program fully incorporated into Health and Home & Career classes

What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (Could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Student survey data will show the consistent teaching of social-emotional skills and strategies throughout the school year.

What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for social-emotional program activities. Individuals to roll out school-wide social-emotional programs. 

Human capital – Boys and Girls Club (Gilbert Jacobs), Sources of Strength – utilize this resource along with Gilbert to mesh the two – turnkey training

A Behavior Support Program will be put in place to reteach behavioral strategies to students.

What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

A consultant will be hired to provide Behavioral Support for students.

Behavioral data will be analyzed regularly and used to identify trends and students in need. 

A system will be in place for the consultant to work with students to reteach key behaviors.

What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (Could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Disciplinary referrals will be 5% lower monthly compared to the 2021-2022 school year data.\

Academic, attendance, and behavioral data points will be analyzed monthly to see an improvement with student visits into the program.

What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for the Behavioral Retraining consultant. Individual to run the Behavioral Retraining Program.

Scheduling for the utilization of the consultant to meet the most pressing needs. Researched-based ideas: www.pbis.org

Student goal-setting will take place within the Naviance System.

What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Students will complete multiple surveys on interests and goals within the Naviance system.

School counselors will work with students through Naviance to set goals for high school and future planning. 

Students will develop a resume through the Naviance system. 

Parent/student training using Naviance during Open House, November Parent Conferences, and other events. 

Behavior Consultant will work with students in checking in with their Naviance program.

Counselors will create an overarching activity quarterly in the Naviance program to complete in their homerooms.

What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (Could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

All students will participate in the surveys and resume-building on Naviance. 

Attendance records for parents attending Naviance training with their child. 

Behavioral consultant will monthly review the student usage of the Naviance program and meet with counselors to review results.

What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for Naviance system. Guidance Counselors, Librarian, Behavioral Consultant, and teachers to assist with the rollout and utilization of the Naviance program with the students.

End-of-the-Year Desired Outcomes Targets

What data will be reviewed?

  • Student Survey Data
  • Staff Survey Data
  • Family Survey Data

What do we hope to see when we review that data? 

Student Survey Data 

“I am safe in my school.”

Desired Response: 68%

“Student behavior does not interfere with instruction during class time.”

Desired Response: 43%

Staff Survey Data 

“Student behavior does not interfere with instruction.”

Desired Response: 21%

“Our school has definitive procedures in place for students who are chronic offenders and/or are experiencing ongoing difficulties.”

Desired Response: 52%

Family Survey Data

“Procedures are in place to make sure students in need do not ‘fall through the cracks.’”

Desired Response: 69%

“School staff work to support student social-emotional well-being.” 

Desired Response: 59%

“Our school provides a safe environment for staff and students”

Desired Response: 64%

We believe having the following occur will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Quantitative data and/or qualitative descriptions of where we strive to be at the end of the 2022-23 school year

Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS) data: Percentage of students at the “Level of Concern” in the Social category will decrease by 5% from the Fall to the Spring administration.

Analysis of Serenity Room student use data (decreased time in room). 

Student survey data will show the consistent teaching of social-emotional skills and strategies throughout the school year. 

Exit interviews for Serenity Room will reflect a 20% increase of their emotional wellness. 

Disciplinary referrals will be 5% lower monthly compared to the 2021-2022 school year data. 

All students will participate in the surveys and resume-building on Naviance.

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Commitment 2

Our Commitment

What is one commitment we will promote for 2022-23?

We commit to ensuring that every child in middle school has strong, trusting relationships with adults and their peers.

Why are we making this Commitment?

Things to potentially take into consideration when crafting this response:

  • How does this commitment fit into the school’s vision?
  • Why did this emerge as something to commit to?
  • In what ways is this commitment influenced by the “How Learning Happens” document? The Equity Self-Reflection? Student Interviews?
  • What makes this the right commitment to pursue?
  • How does this fit into other commitments and the school’s long-term plans?

A major part of the Salmon River School District’s vision is to create a safe, supportive learning environment. Within the student interviews, many indicated that they would like more activities and events to take place, similar to pre-COVID times. When completing the Equity Self-Reflection, the team discussed the many ideas they had surrounding hosting events to enhance parent engagement and fostering close relationships with families.

To reach this goal, the team plans on fostering a deeper implementation of community-building circles, hosting staff and student competitions, increasing parent involvement opportunities, and utilizing mindfulness and the Serenity Room. Through these strategies, the team believes that students, staff, and families will feel a deeper sense of connection to the school.

Key Strategies and Resources

What strategies will we pursue as part of this Commitment?

Deeper Implementation of Community-building circles

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Three community circle consultants will provide training to students and staff throughout the school year. 

Student ambassadors will be utilized to lead community circles, to increase participation, and develop the curriculum through questions. Bring in four ambassadors to lead the circle into four small circles, then fishbowl, then the whole group. 

Community circles will be implemented each morning during homeroom time and will move to a deeper level throughout the school year. 

Create an overarching question then break it down over the week into smaller chunks to increase deeper analysis

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Walkthrough data shows that community circles are being conducted in all homerooms and that the circle questions are going deeper. Week at a Glance. Share overarching question for the week.

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for three community circle consultants to provide deeper training for class ambassadors to lead the circles. Text: Circle Forward. Schedule to provide additional time during homerooms. Processes in place to ensure community circles are implemented and taken to a deeper level.

Student and Staff Competitions

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Monthly staff and student competitions will take place surrounding attendance, academics, and character traits. 

Winning grade-levels will participate in fun student vs. staff competitions. 

Students will participate in fun challenges during lunch periods that encourage teamwork and collaboration.

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Student and staff survey questions to include perceptions of school competitions.

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Committee formed with staff and students on the committee to plan and participate in each event or activity. Funding for materials and supplies for events and activities. Scheduling for events and activities throughout the school year.

Increased Parent Involvement Opportunities

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Use of Parent Square for two-way communication between school and parents. 

Staff training – use of Parent Square 

Parent Portal training using Schooltool – do during Open House or other events that parents are invited into the building. 

Expanding the Parent-Teacher Organization to involve more parents and to plan events and activities throughout the year. 

Planning and implementation of multiple parent/student events during the school year (writing celebrations, quarterly recognition assemblies, ceremonies, competitions, etc.)

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Parent survey responses regarding feeling connected to the school will increase by 5 points.

Parent Square data will show an increase of parent use each month by 2 points. 

Parent/Community sign-in sheets for parent events will be used and will increase by 2 points for each event.

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for parent involvement events. Scheduling for PTO meetings and events. Processes in place for use of Parent Square. 

Home School Coordinator and Ombudsman will reach out to parents to support the use of Parent Square. 

Quarterly check-ins during grade level meetings with staff to assess staff and parent usage.

Student Academic Supports Based on Data

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Every 5 weeks, progress report and report card data will be analyzed to identify academically struggling students. 

A system will be put in place to provide the identified students with additional support. 

Review and update grading systems with all content areas. Create consistent structures and expectations between classes and grade levels. 

Use Parent Square for early notification of missing work and possible failure.

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

The number of Eighth grade students identified each quarter as failing 2 or more subjects will decrease by the third quarter by 50%.

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for after-school support for the identified students. Individuals to provide continued support to identified students. ie: (Core Confidence Academy)

End-of-the-Year Desired Outcomes Targets

What data will be reviewed?

  • Student Survey Data
  • Staff Survey Data
  • Family Survey Data

What do we hope to see when we review that data? 

Student Survey Data 

“Students treat each other with respect.”

Desired Response: 26%

“I feel welcomed and a part of my school.”

Desired Response: 59%

Staff Survey Data 

“We contact families on a routine basis, not just in times of concern.”

Desired Response: 74%

Family Survey Data

“If my child(ren) has a problem, people are there to help.”

Desired Response: 61%

“All students are treated the same, regardless of family background/ethnicity.” 

Desired Response: 53%

We believe having the following occur will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Quantitative data and/or qualitative descriptions of where we strive to be at the end of the 2022-23 school year

Improved monthly attendance rates by 5% throughout the school year compared to 2021-2022 monthly data. 

Middle School Chronic Absenteeism MIP will increase to 24.9. 

Verbal participation rates for student and staff community-building circles will increase up to 50% by January 2022 and up to 60% by June 2022. Data will be collected by consultants quarterly. 

75% of students will receive recognition during our quarterly recognition assemblies for attendance, academics, and for student of the month. 

Parent survey responses regarding feeling connected to the school will increase by 5%. 

Eighth grade students identified as failing 2 or more subjects in November will decrease by the third quarter by 50%

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Commitment 3

Our Commitment

What is one commitment we will promote for 2022-23?

We commit to ensuring we implement strong curriculum & effective instruction throughout the school year.

Why are we making this Commitment?

Things to potentially take into consideration when crafting this response:

  • How does this commitment fit into the school’s vision?
  • Why did this emerge as something to commit to?
  • In what ways is this commitment influenced by the “How Learning Happens” document? The Equity Self-Reflection? Student Interviews?
  • What makes this the right commitment to pursue?
  • How does this fit into other commitments and the school’s long-term plans?

Key aspects of Salmon River District’s vision are valuing academic achievement and cultural diversity. Therefore, the team believes that a goal of having a strong curriculum, effective instruction, and academic success for students is essential. Within the student interviews, many shared that they want to do well and need some additional support. During the Equity Self-Reflection discussions, the team shared their ideas regarding taking the classroom activities to the next level. 

The team plans on implementing many strategies to reach this goal. We plan to further our understanding and use of culturally-responsive practices, continue opportunities for vertical and horizontal collaboration, provide more PD on effective teaching practices, implement more authentic learning experiences, and utilize data to provide targeted support for students in academic need.

Key Strategies and Resources

What strategies will we pursue as part of this Commitment?

Culturally-Responsive Practices

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Professional Development will be provided to staff to further their understanding of culturally-responsive practices. 

Training for students and staff surrounding race and racism throughout the school year. 

321 Insight digital program for Parasharp and Trauma Informed Trainings during grade level meetings. 

Openers to grade level/department meetings will be used by leaders that focus on the CRF to build acceptance for others

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Use of culturally-responsive practices by students and staff throughout the school year. 

321 Insight digital program for Parasharp and Trauma Informed – use the monitoring component in the program 

Walk through data and discipline referrals will be used to gauge success of the openers to grade level/department meetings that focus on the CRF to build acceptance for others by using the openers.

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Funding for trainers and consultants to work with staff and students regarding culturally-responsive practices. Eddie Moore Jr – trainer, Shannon Pitcher-Boyea, & James Shultis 

District will participate in a BOCES coSer for staff and students to attend culturally responsive practices professional development

Vertical and Horizontal Collaboration

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Department leaders will guide vertical teams through curriculum alignment, interim assessment data, and state testing prep. 

Grade level teams will collaborate on student needs, cross-curricular planning, and grade level decisions. 

The district Professional Development Coordinator will consistently meet with vertical team leaders to plan and guide each team.

Create and extend curriculum flows to curriculum maps that include writing and teaching methods on how to teach content while bringing in authentic practice, voice, & choice for students.

IST and department leads will create lab sites to practice research based teaching strategies and implement writing across content areas during grade level team meetings.

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Teachers are connecting with colleagues in their department and grade level regularly, beginning in September, to share strategies and resources. 

Match Next Gen Standards to content being taught to match rigor of expectations on curriculum maps. 

PLC’s to discuss research based strategies, ie: Rosenshine Model @ least 1x a month during grade level meetings

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Scheduling of grade-level and department meetings. Structured agendas and meetings with grade level leaders to ensure efficient use of time in grade-level and department meetings.

Consultants for Science, Social Studies & Math standards connections

Effective Teaching Practices Professional Development

Methods: What does this strategy entail? What will implementation look like in our school?

Professional Development Coordinator will set up effective teacher trainings for staff to develop their classroom strategies and authentic teaching and learning experiences. 

Learning walks by IST and invited Middle School teachers to join and visit volunteer classrooms.

Coaching cycle menu will offer training on effective teaching practices and writing instruction to all teachers.

Gauging Success: What specifically will we look for during the year to know that this strategy is having the desired impact? (This could include qualitative or quantitative data.)

Implementation of effective teaching practices, as observed during daily walkthroughs by Instructional Coaches. Debriefs will take place during Coaches meetings, and thank you cards to the participating teachers from the coaches.

How many staff members that engaged in the coaching cycles met their goals. Data will be collected and analyzed each coaching cycle (IReady data, SchoolTool, etc.) 

Administrative walkthrough data will be shared in weekly emails to staff.

Resources: What resources (Schedule, Space, Money, Processes, Individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?

Scheduling of effective teacher trainings for five days. This will consist of two days over the summer, three days during the school year, with virtual one on one meetings on Mondays from 2:45-3:45. 

Instructional Coach will run a two day training over the summer based on Harry Wong’s work. Each participant will receive The Classroom Management book and The First Days of School book for all participants. 

Funding for staff to attend and resources to support the training to implement the professional development.

End-of-the-Year Desired Outcomes Targets

What data will be reviewed?

  • Student Survey Data
  • Staff Survey Data
  • Family Survey Data

What do we hope to see when we review that data? 

Student Survey Data 

“My teachers have a clear plan for what we are working on in class.”

Desired Response: 81%

“Our curriculum includes challenging reading and writing tasks.”

Desired Response: 76%

“My teachers involve all students in answering questions and sharing information during class.”

Desired Response: 71%

Staff Survey Data 

“Our school leaders make certain that we have relevant, targeted professional development.”

Desired Response: 84%

Family Survey Data

“Teachers tell my child(ren) that they believe they (students) will succeed.”

Desired Response: 67%

We believe having the following occur will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Schools teams are invited to consider if the belief statements shared below connect to this commitment. Since each commitment is unique, school teams should decide how progress about this commitment might be noted. If the team’s answer to a “we believe” prompt is no, that section should be left blank

Quantitative data and/or qualitative descriptions of where we strive to be at the end of the 2022-23 school year

MIPs for Middle School ELA state exams will increase to 94.1. 

MIPs for Middle School Math state exams will increase to 82.7. 

Use of culturally-responsive practices by students and staff throughout the school year.

Teachers are connecting with colleagues in their department and grade level regularly, beginning in September, to share strategies and resources. 

Implementation of effective teaching, classroom management, authentic experiences and practices, as observed and documented by the Principals through daily walkthroughs.

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Evidence-Based Intervention

All CSI and TSI schools must implement at least one evidence-based intervention as part of its SCEP. The intervention identified must meet the criteria of a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 evidence-based intervention under ESSA. More information can be found on the New York State Education Department website.

Schools may choose one of three options for identifying their evidence-based intervention:

Option 1: Selecting a strategy from the State-Supported Evidence Based Strategies. View the strategies on the New York State Education Department website.

Option 2: Selecting an evidence-based intervention identified in one of three clearinghouses:

  • What Works Clearinghouse
  • Social Programs That Work
  • Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development

Option 3: Reviewing research to identify its own evidence-based intervention that meets the criteria for ESSA evidence-based intervention Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3. Learn more on the New York State Education Department website.

Directions: Place an “X” in the box next to the path the school has chosen for identifying its evidence-based intervention and follow the corresponding directions for that path.

☒ State-Supported Evidence Based Strategy

If “X’ is marked above, provide responses to the prompts below to identify the strategy and the Commitment(s) it will support:

Evidence-Based Intervention Strategy Identified –
Instructional Coaching

We envision that this Evidence-Based Intervention will support the following Commitment(s) as follows:

Commitment # 1: Social Emotional Wellness

The instructional coaches will assist with BIMAS data analysis and behavioral data to identify struggling students. They will also assist with implementing of social-emotional learning systems, such as Sources of Strength, Character Traits, and Second Step. They will also assist with the implementation of the Naviance program in student goal-setting.

Commitment # 2: Positive Relationships between Students, Staff & Peers

The instructional coaches will play an integral role in orchestrating events and activities throughout the school year to enhance the school climate. They will work with the staff to go deeper with the community circles and utilize BIMAS data to create schedules for the Serenity Room.

Commitment # 3: Strong Curriculum & Effective Instruction

Instructional coaches will work with the Professional Development Coordinator to provide trainings for staff on effective instructional practices, cultural responsiveness, and authentic learning experiences. Instructional coaches will work with vertical team leaders to enhance collaborative efforts and will assist with student academic data analysis every five weeks.

☐ Clearinghouse-Identified

If “X’ is marked above, provide responses to the prompts below to identify the strategy and the Commitment(s) it will support:

Evidence-Based Intervention Strategy Identified –

We envision that this Evidence-Based Intervention will support the following Commitment(s)

Clearinghouse used and corresponding rating:

☐ What Works Clearinghouse
☐ Rating: Meets WWC Standards Without Reservations
☐ Rating: Meets WWC Standards With Reservations

☐ Social Programs That Work
☐Rating: Top Tier
☐Rating: Near Top Tier

☐ Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
☐ Rating: Model Plus
☐ Rating: Model
☐ Rating: Promising

☐ School-Identified

If “X’ is marked above, provide responses to the prompts below to identify the strategy and the Commitment(s) it will support:

Evidence-Based Intervention Strategy Identified

We envision that this Evidence-Based Intervention will support the following Commitment(s)

Link to research study that supports this as an evidence-based intervention (the study must include a description of the research methodology

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Our Team’s Process


NYSED requires that the SCEP is developed in consultation with parents and school staff, and in accordance with §100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations. All schools are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the document “Assembling Your Improvement Planning Team” on the New York State Education Department’s website. This section outlines how we worked together to develop our plan.

Our Team

  • Tammy Russell, Principal
  • Melissa Childs, Assistant Principal
  • Brandi Harris, Professional Development Coordinator
  • Kayla Johnson, Home-School Coordinator
  • Breanne Herne, Ombudsman
  • Melissa Miller, Instructional Coach
  • Emily Fritz, Teacher
  • Kay-Lynn Bickford, Teacher
  • Michelle Oakes, LIbrary Media Specialist
  • Mary-Jo Willis, Parent
  • William Carroll, Parent

Our Team’s Steps

Our plan is the result of collaborating to complete several distinct steps:

  1. Interviewing Students 
  2. Completing the Equity Self-Reflection for Identified Schools 
  3. Reviewing Multiple Sources of Data and Feedback 
  4. Clarifying Priorities and Considering How They Connect to School Values 
  5. Writing the Plan 
  6. Completing the “Leveraging Resources” document (OPTIONAL)

Meeting Dates

We completed the steps above across multiple meetings. Below is a list of dates we met as a team and what occurred during those meetings.


  • Completing the Equity Self-Reflection for Identified Schools 


  • Completing the Equity Self-Reflection for Identified Schools 


  • Interviewing Students


  • Reviewing Multiple Sources of Data and Feedback 
  • Clarifying Priorities and Considering How They Connect to School Values


  • Writing the Plan


  • Writing the Plan


  • Writing the Plan


  • Writing the Plan

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Learning as a Team

After completing the previous sections, the team should complete the reflective prompt below:

Student Interviews

Describe how the student interview process informed the team’s plan:

The SCEP Development Committee generated many questions to interview students on numerous topics in order to collect student ideas and insight to use in the development of the SCEP. The following were the questions: 

  1. What have you learned about yourself in the last year? 
  2. What are some things that you think are important for all teachers to know about what it is like to be a student at this school? 
  3. How would you describe what it is like to be a student in our school? 
  4. I want you to think about the best day you have had at our school. What made it your best day? 
  5. What are some obstacles, challenges, or worries you face while in school? 
  6. What are some ways that we can help students feel better about being at school? 
  7. Are there people at school that you feel comfortable talking to when you are upset or need to talk to someone? 
  8. I am going to tell you a statement and I want you to think about what comes to mind. “There are adults in this school that look out for kids like me.” What do you think about when you hear this?
  9. In what ways could our school help support student health and wellbeing? 
  10. Do you find what you are learning about includes issues of race and racism? 
  11. How do you feel when topics of race or racism are discussed? What can teachers do to prioritize your well-being during these conversations? 

The team then held a meeting where student interview answers were shared and discussed. Trends were identified and led to the development of three commitments and strategies for each.

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Equity Self-Reflection

Describe how the Equity Self-Reflection informed the team’s plan:

Commitment #1: Social-Emotional Wellness

Through the SCEP Development Committee’s discussion when completing the Equity Self-Reflection, the team discussed the many challenges and struggles that the students are having socially and emotionally. When focusing on creating a Welcoming and Affirming Environment and an Inclusive Curriculum and Instruction, the team shared many ideas that they feel are essential in meeting our students’ needs. This led to the focus of social-emotional wellness in Commitment #1. 

Commitment #2: Positive Relationships 

Through the Equity Self-Reflection, the SCEP Development Committee had a great discussion regarding school climate when talking about the Welcoming and Affirming Environment section. The team would like to incorporate many events and activities to build school pride and to enhance the feeling of connection between students, families, and the school. This led to the focus on developing a positive school climate in Commitment #2. 

Commitment #3: Strong Curriculum & Effective Instruction 

Through the High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction and the Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment portions of the Equity Self-Reflection, the SCEP Development Committee discussed the need for deepening the professional development for staff regarding culturally responsive practices and effective teaching, as well as continued collaboration and implementation of authentic learning experiences for students. This led to the focus on incorporating a strong curriculum, effective instruction, and ensuring academic success for all students.

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Next Steps

  1. Sharing the Plan:
    1. CSI Schools: As you develop your plan, please feel free to share the plan with your NYSED liaison for input when it would be helpful. When the SCEP team is satisfied with the plan, please indicate to your liaison that the school is ready to share its full plan for approval. Plans should be shared by August 1, 2022.
    2. TSI Schools: When your plan is ready for review, please share the plan with your District, which will approve your plan. Plans will need to be approved before the first day of the 2022-23 school year.
    3. All Schools: Ensure that the District (Superintendent or designee) and local Board of Education have approved the plan and that the plan is posted on the district website.
  2. Implementing the Plan (for all schools):
    1. Ensure that the plan is implemented no later than the first day of school.
    2. Monitor implementation closely and adjust as needed.
    3. Ensure that there is professional development provided to support the strategic efforts described within this plan.
    4. Work with the district in developing the 1003 Title I School Improvement Grant application designed to support the implementation of the activities identified in the school and district plan. 

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