Identification of SRCS District students who will be considered eligible to receive AIS services
as a result of NYS ELA and Math exams will be based on a 2-step process.
- Students shall be identified to receive AIS based on the NYS Gr 3-8 ELA and Math median scaled score for their exams, which is between a Level 2 (partially proficient) and a Level 3 (proficient).
- Students who score below the median scale score will be considered for further support, based on other multiple measures, including historical data such as iReady Reading and Math testing, Fountas and Pinnell Running Records (K-6), Benchmark Testing, Lesson Embedded Assessments, and other Formative Assessments that provide information about students’ skills. Students who are identified, but do not qualify after consideration of other performance measures, shall instead be monitored to ensure academic growth.
- AIS: Academic Intervention Services
- RTI: Response to Intervention
- ELA: English Language Arts
Notification of Student Scores (Grades 3-8)
Parents of grade 3-8 students will receive Parent Score Reports in the mail regarding their child’s NYS test scores. The score report and accompanying letter will indicate the proficiency level that the student received, and will indicate if the child is eligible for AIS services.
Academics Links
Angela Robert
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Brandi Harris
Director, Professional Recruitment & Development
Angela Mackey
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent
for Curriculum and Instruction
637 County Route 1
Fort Covington, NY 12937
Phone: (518) 358-6669