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Parent-Student-Teacher Compact

When parents actively participate in their child’s education, children do better in school. While neither parents nor schools alone can ensure the educational success of a student, the Salmon River Central School District, working collaboratively with parents and students, agree:

Our faculty agrees to encourage and support student learning by:

  • Recognizing and believing that all children can learn.
  • Showing respect for each child and his/her family.
  • Coming to class prepared to teach.
  • Providing an environment conducive to learning.
  • Helping each child grow to his/her full potential.
  • Providing meaningful and appropriate school and homework activities.
  • Enforcing school and classroom rules fairly and consistently.
  • Maintaining open lines of communication with each student and his/her parents/guardians.
  • Seeking ways to involve parents in school programs.
  • Demonstrating professional behavior and a positive attitude.

As a parent/guardian, I will encourage and support my child’s learning by:

  • Seeing that my child attends school regularly and on time.
  • Providing a home environment that encourages my child to learn.
  • Insisting that all homework assignments are completed.
  • Communicating regularly with my child’s teachers.
  • Supporting the school in developing positive behaviors.
  • Encouraging my child to read at home and to monitor his/her TV viewing.
  • Showing respect and support for my child, his/her teachers, and the school.

As a student, I will encourage and support my learning by:

  • Always trying to do my best in my work and in my behavior.
  • Working cooperatively with my classmates.
  • Showing respect for myself, my school and other people.
  • Obeying the school rules.
  • Taking pride in my school.
  • Coming to school prepared with my homework done and with my supplies.
  • Believing that I can learn and will learn.

Hand in hand we will work together, to the best of our ability, to carry out the terms of this compact.

Parent and Students: Please sign/date the form below and return to your child’s teacher. Thank you!