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Teacher Qualifications & Evaluations


Annual Professional Performance Reviews (APPR)

Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) is the process by which teachers and principals are evaluated in New York state. The purpose of APPR is to empower educators to improve the quality of instruction in schools and, in turn, to improve students’ performance and readiness for colleges and careers. APPR plans must meet strict state guidelines and are negotiated with local unions.

View Salmon River Central School District’s APPR Plan.

Request Teacher/Principal APPR Scores

Disclosure of APPR Scores to Parents Parent or Legal Guardian Request for Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Effectiveness Score and Rating for Principals/Teachers New York State law allows parents and legal guardians of a student to request the effectiveness scores and final rating of teachers and principals to which the student is assigned for the current school year.

To request this information about your child’s current principal/teacher(s) please put the following information in writing:

  • Student name
  • School and grade where student currently attends
  • Name of parent or legal guarding making request
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Principal/Teacher Name(s) for whom final quality rating and composite effectiveness is requested

We are unable to accept faxed or emailed requests. We ask that you either appear in person or or send your request by mail to the following address:

Angela Robert, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
637 County Route 1
Fort Covington, NY 12937

It is the obligation of the school district to verify all information provided in this request.

Note: Pursuant to Education Law Section 3012-d, classroom teachers and building principals are entitled to strict privacy rights with respect to the disclosure by the District of the information that will be furnished to you. According to District Policy #6130, there may be no change in student placement based upon the information provided. We are confident that you will respect those privacy rights.

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Teacher Qualifications (ESSA)

New York State Education Department has created a process for resolving complaints alleging that a local educational agency (LEA), grantee or NYSED has violated a law, rule, or regulation in the administration of any “covered Federal program” under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

These procedures offer parents and other stakeholders a process to file complaints and allow for the timely resolution of such complaints. A complainant may include any of the following: parents, public agencies, and other individuals or organizations.

Learn more about ESSA complaint procedures and how to file a complaint.
View NYSED Fact Sheets about ESSA.

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