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Board Member Elections

Running for the Board | Voting

Running for the Board

In order to qualify to run for a seat on the Board of Education, state law requires candidates meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a qualified voter of the district, that is: a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years of age or older, and of sound mind.
  • Must be and have been a resident of the Salmon River Central School District for a continuous and uninterrupted period of at least one year immediately before the election.
  • May not have been removed from any school district office within the preceding year.
  • May not reside with another member of the same school board as a member of the same family.
  • May not be a current employee of the school board.
  • May not simultaneously hold another incompatible public office.

All Salmon River CSD school board members serve at large for no pay. Candidates must indicate which board seat they are running for. The candidates who receive the highest number of votes for the specific board seat they are running for on school budget day will be elected to five-year terms of office.

You can find more information about running for the School Board on the NYS School Board Association website.

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On the third Tuesday of each May, residents from across New York State go to the polls to vote on the annual school district budget and to elect members of the Board of Education.

For more information about polling locations, voter eligibility and absentee ballots, please visit the Budget Voting Information page.

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