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Facilities Use Terms & Conditions

School functions will take precedence over all activities by non-school groups. Facilities request MUST be made with 30 days advance notice of date requested.

It is understood and agreed that the requestor will:

  1. Be made by an authorized representative of the requesting organization who is at least 18 years of age.
  2. Pay the Board of Education a fee to defray expenses, according to the custodial fee schedule.
  3. Not pay any school employee wages, tips, gratuities or gifts for work in connection with such use. The school district will compensate for such work.
  4. Immediately make a written report of any and all accidents, breakage or damage and report such to the Chief School Administrator. Pay for all damage occurring to the school property.
  5. Be admitted by a member of the custodial staff whose basic responsibility will be neither to police or supervise the area.
  6. When using the cafeteria kitchen, use at least one of the regular staff at a predetermined rate of pay.
  7. Provide ticket sellers, ticket takers, and users, as well as incidental labor.
  8. Move furniture only after securing permission and under the permission of a custodian.
  9. Maintain an orderly behavior in the group and assembled public.
  10. Prevent smoking in the buildings and within 100 feet of school property in accordance with NYS Law.
  11. Prevent the sale or use of intoxicating substances in the buildings or on the premises.
  12. Leave school properties in an orderly and neat condition. Any furniture, tables and chairs, or other equipment that is moved is to be returned to the original location.
  13. Remove from the school premises immediately, at the close of the event, all properties not belonging to the school district.
  14. Return promptly all equipment or property rented for use off of the school premises.
  15. Be advised of the revocation of granted use, which is always in the power of the Board of Education.
  16. Carry public liability insurance to protect the Board of Education and the school district unless this is specifically waived by the Board of Education.
  17. Conduct no activities for personal financial gain of any participant.
  18. Conduct no activities nor have any memberships, which are exclusive.
  19. Restrict activity to that area for which permission is granted.
  20. All vehicles must park in designated parking spaces. Vehicles are not allowed to park on the grass or block access to the buildings.
  21. Provide a supervisor in charge of the activity to be present before the activity is due and to remain until all have left.

The Salmon River CSD accepts no responsibility for items/properties left on school premises.

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