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District Instructional Technology Plan

I. District LEA Information

Submitted by Angela Robert, Assistant Superintendent

II. Strategic Technology Planning

1. What is the overall district mission?

The Salmon River Central School District values academic achievement, cultural diversity, and celebrates individuality within a safe, supportive learning environment.

2. What is the vision statement that guides instructional technology use in the district?

Purpose-Vision: To promote the most effective and appropriate technology to safely support engaging and rigorous teaching and learning in the Salmon River Central School District that will:

  • Align with District goals, programs and plans, including parent communication, curriculum and professional development.
  • Focus on engaging and empowering students in their own learning.
  • Prepare our students to engage in critical thinking and inquiry learning experiences through collaboration and multimedia experiences.
  • Prepare our students to be safe, responsible and innovative digital citizens.

3. Summarize the planning process used to develop answers to the Instructional Technology Plan questions and/or your district comprehensive Instructional Technology Plan. Please include the stakeholder groups participating and the outcomes of the instructional technology plan development meetings.

With safety in mind and Covid as a barrier to more effective collaboration, teachers, support staff, administrators, secondary students and parents provided input via surveys to be sure that voices of a large sample were collected and analyzed by the following representatives: Teacher, principal, business official, DPO, technology director, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, professional development coordinator, special education staff, district testing and SIRS data coordinator, home-school parent coordinator. One of our goals will be to reorganize our district technology committee with representative stakeholders. Data analyzed by the team to assess needs and to gather innovative ideas to support growth for both staff and students also included Help Desk Tickets, Digital Equity Parent Surveys, technology needs and professional development requests to the NERIC Technology Integrator and PD Coordinator, as well as requests to principals, including those discussed during post observation conferences. Additionally, Student survey data revealed gaps that were evident for college and career readiness, as well as perceptions of both positive and negative social and emotional aspects that must be considered when creating optimum learning conditions.

Summary – While the district was working toward a 1:1 plan prior to COVID, that timeline was expedited to allow for immediate remote capabilities over the last year and a half, thus enabling us to reach many of our previous goals in a much shorter timeline. Two meetings were held to review data and infrastructure needs. It is the intent of the committee to maintain and expand our current capability by increasing access and exposure to multimedia devices, communicating to parents and families, partnering with local digital networks to support improvement of digital community access, and to further our technology integration in our learning environments and beyond the walls of the classroom.

4. How does the district’s Instructional Technology Plan build upon, continue the work of, and improve upon the previous three-year plan?

The present goals are in alignment with previous goals in the 2019 plan, which have been achieved. Despite COVID barriers, survey data reflects the following from teachers:

  • 90.5% use technology in their classes regularly/frequently
  • Teachers’ confidence with integrating technology is 67.9%
  • Teachers’ comfort level with planning ideas using online technology is 87%
  • 69% of teachers feel it is important to integrate technology to improve student engagement and outcomes

However, we understand that there is always room for constant growth, and we have learned that it is equally important to maintain flexibility and adjust our plan as needed, based on the ever-changing needs of our staff and students. Emphasis will continue to be placed on readiness for remote instruction, PD for pedagogy based on a virtual interface with strategies to engage and communicate/provide feedback to ensure that learning targets can still be met. With recent ransomware issues across the nation, and the need for increased privacy around student information, the maintenance of safety and security of our systems must also be an additional consideration. The plan will seek to:

  • improve teacher pedagogy as it pertains to utilization of technology and reliable and appropriate web-based resources and data sources
  • improve the level of technology integration to improve student engagement and increase student outcomes
  • improve capacity of the infrastructure to maintain constant levels of wifi with no local interruptions to service
  • increase parent communication through an expansion of communication and information via digital/web-based sources and applications

5. How does the district Instructional Technology Plan reflect experiences during the COVID pandemic?

During the pandemic we realized the importance of being able to respond quickly to the needs of staff, students and families in regard to readiness for remote learning. It will be important to maintain this readiness and to continue to provide Professional Development and build teacher and student technology related skills in accessing devices and technology applications that support interactive programming. Updating infrastructure, updating inventory of devices on a regular basis and working in partnership with local digital networks and agencies will help us to improve the delivery of instruction to students who may be learning in their homes and the community at a moment’s notice.

6. Is your district currently fully 1:1?


7. Please describe the professional development plan for building the capacity of educators & administrators in the attainment of the instructional technology vision as stated in response to question 2.

The Salmon River Central School District’s Instructional Technology Professional Development Plan will provide opportunities for staff to sharpen their craft, including expanding technology integration, employing research based instructional techniques, strategies to empower learners and improve student-centered learning. Teachers will be provided with opportunities to enhance their knowledge and application of technology usage in the educational setting, particularly the usage of Google Apps for Education, including Google Classroom, Gmail, Drive, Sheets, Hangouts, Calendar, Docs, Slides, and Sites. They will also explore alternate research based instructional practices, including the application of BOCES supported library media databases and digital citizenship. The district will provide opportunities for staff to attend workshops, in house PD sessions with tech instructors or teachers with expertise, virtual workshops as well as guided work sessions and 1:1 coaching with the NERIC technology integrator who can offer targeted needs-based and personalized PD one day per week. Many of these services are provided through our Model School Coser with NERIC. Salmon River library media specialists will support the library media professional development goals in their School Library Media Plans that target educational research, new technologies, technology use, production of a variety of media, and implementation of resources such a school databases.

Workshops and in-house classes are offered throughout the school year and in the summer to meet the goals of the district as well as the needs of the staff. At the conclusion of each PD session staff complete an exit survey which will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the PD and collect requests for further PD. As part of the new IT plan, the district will continue to survey teachers to collect information on teachers’ comfort with currently used technology applications. Feedback will be used to assess the areas where PD is needed.

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III. Goal Attainment

Overview: In this new section, the District is asked to outline the extent to which they have achieved, at the local level, goals put forth in the 2010 Statewide Learning Technology Plan.

1. Digital Content – The District uses standards-based, accessible digital content that supports all curricula for all learners.

The district has met this goal: Significantly

2. Digital Use – The District’s learners, teachers, and administrators are proficient in the use of technology for learning.

The district has met this goal: Moderately

3. Digital Capacity and Access – The District’s technology infrastructure supports learning and teaching in all of the District’s environments.

The district has met this goal: Significantly

4. Leadership – The District Instructional Technology Plan is in alignment with the Statewide Learning Technology Plan vision.

The district has met this goal: Significantly

5. Accountability – District-level information is posted on the District website, is easy to access, and is easily understood. Information provided includes the results achieved by the District in their efforts to enable students to build knowledge, master skills, and grasp opportunities for a better life.

The district has met this goal: Moderately

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IV. Action Plan

Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4

Goal 1

1. What is the goal?

By June, 2025, The Salmon River Central School District will utilize technology to create enhanced learning environments to support student achievement that are engaging, welcoming and affirming for both students and parents, and promote equitable, student centered, collaborative learning both in and out of the classroom.

2. Which NYSED goal best aligns with this district goal?

Provide technology-enhanced, culturally- and linguistically-responsive learning environments to support improved teaching and learning.

3. Target Student Population(s)

All students.

4. Additional Target Population(s)

Teachers/Teacher Aides
Parents/Guardians/Families/School Community
Technology Integration Specialists

5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.

Most of the following data has been collected previously and will continue to be collected and monitored for progress:

  • Data related to 1:1 device correspondence for students; Target – maintain a fully 1:1 device ratio for our students
  • Materials requisitions/inventory of multi-media devices and list of Ed 2-D approved integration software; Target – maintain quality and efficiency by purchasing devices to meet new enrollments and by reviewing intended functionality of each newly requested software subscription to reduce waste and duplication of similar software applications, thereby freeing funds up to purchase software with new or better functions
  • Records of NERIC Model Schools Multimedia Lending Library; Target will be to train more staff to increase the lending library device use to support more integration of technology (this has been low due to COVID).
  • Data from teacher, student and parent surveys; Target – maintain or increase in satisfactory responses
  • Principal Walk Through Data that reveals student engagement supported by technology; target – begin to capture and collect data related to technology and monitor through the year for increased use of technology to engage students
  • Data collected by tech integrator; Target – Increase number of staff who access the tech integration specialist; monitor and work with tech integrator to create action plan to increase this number.

6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above. All cells in the table must be populated. If you have less than four action steps for this goal, you must enter N/A into columns two, three, four, five, and seven, and choose June 30, 2021 in the date column for all unneeded rows in the table.

Action Step 1: Purchasing

Yearly Replacement plan for 1:1 devices – Purchase Chromebook Tablet devices for incoming PreK students, Chromebooks for 2nd grade, 6th grade and 9th grade.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 09/01/2024
Anticipated Cost: $112,000

Action Step 2: Data Privacy

Software requests will be vetted for duplication of services and for Ed-2-D Law Compliance prior to purchase.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 09/01/2024
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 3: Professional Development

Professional Development focused on the appropriate and efficient (ex. Information Communication Technology – safe, supportive, active, collaborative, scaffolded, and immersive) use of all components of an enhanced learning environment will be provided to all teachers.

Responsible Stakeholder: Instructional/ PD Coach
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/30/2025
Anticipated Cost: $5,000

Action Step 4: Curriculum

The Assistant Superintendent will work with Principals and Teachers to integrate technology into their lesson plans and curriculum maps.

Responsible Stakeholder: Assistant Superintendent
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/30/2025
Anticipated Cost: $6,000

7. This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above.

Action Step 5: Implementation

The Library Media Specialists will collaborate with teachers to expose teachers and students to the extensive database options for research, embed digital citizenship into their lessons and model and support innovative use of technology (ex. Model Schools Lending Library)

Responsible Stakeholder: Library Media Specialist
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/30/2025
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 6: Implementation

The Technology Teachers will instruct students in the use of appropriate and applicable computer applications to support enhanced learning environments.

Responsible Stakeholder: Other
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/30/2025
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 7: Implementation

The NERIC Technology Integrator will support teachers to implement enhanced learning environments through large, small and 1:1 sessions.

Responsible Stakeholder: Instructional Technology Coach
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 04/13/2022
Anticipated Cost: $12,000

Action Step 7: Communications

The District website will provide digital access to information about parent resources, programs, policies, plans, and mission, Tech Help Desk; SchoolTool, the student information system has a parent portal that gives parents access to information about their child’s schedule, grades, assessments, attendance and discipline; Teachers will use digital communication tools such as websites, content management systems, and digital media applications to communicate with parents; School principals will use the District website and digital media applications to inform parents and community members of events, programs, and general information regarding their schools. This is a current and ongoing process.

Responsible Stakeholder: Superintendent
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 04/13/2022
Anticipated Cost: $59,000

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Goal 2

1. What is the goal?

Provide Professional Development to support best practices in the use of technology for communication, instruction, learning management systems (Google Apps) , student management systems, assessments, data analysis, research, safety, and other school-based applications/systems to improve staff proficiency with learning technology.

2. Which NYSED goal best aligns with this district goal?

Provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies.

3. Target Student Population(s)

All students.

4. Additional Target Population(s)

Teachers/Teacher Aides

5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.

Teachers will be provided with Professional Development opportunities to enhance their knowledge and application of technology usage in the educational setting, particularly the usage of Google Apps for Education, such as Google Classroom, Gmail, Drive, Sheets, Calendar, Docs, Slides, and ZOOM. They will also explore alternate research based instructional practices, including the application of BOCES supported library media databases and digital citizenship.

Other technology applications offered will include ongoing training to support student and staff management systems and District assessment software, including but not limited to SchoolTool, Naviance, I READY, BIMAS, Frontline Professional and Frontline Central.

Training will also be provided to school staff to understand and implement safety and security regarding Ed2-D Law. PD will also include training for parents to use School tool to check their child’s grades, attendance and discipline.

The district will provide opportunities for staff to attend workshops, in house PD sessions with tech instructors or teachers with expertise, virtual workshops as well as guided work sessions and 1:1 coaching with the NERIC technology integrator who can offer targeted needs-based and personalized PD one day per week. Many of these services are provided through our Model School Coser with NERIC. Salmon River library media specialists will support the library media professional development goals in their School Library Media Plans that target educational research, new technologies, technology use, production of a variety of media, and implementation of resources such a school databases.

Workshops and in-house classes are offered throughout the school year and in the summer to meet the goals of the district as well as the needs of the staff. At the conclusion of each PD session staff complete an exit survey which will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the PD and collect requests for further PD. As part of the new IT plan, the district will continue to survey teachers to collect information on teachers’ comfort with currently used technology applications. Feedback will be used to assess the areas where PD is needed.

Measurement and evaluation will include:

  • Using Frontline’s Professional Growth we will:
  • track total number of technology workshops provided
  • attendance at those workshops
  • Records of NERIC Model Schools Multimedia Lending Library
  • Data from teacher, student and parent surveys regarding comfort and confidence with technology
  • PD Exit Surveys

6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #2 from your answer to Question 1, above. All cells in the table must be populated. If you have less than four action steps for this goal, you must enter N/A into columns two, three, four, five, and seven, and choose June 30, 2021 in the date column for all unneeded rows in the table.

Action Step 1: Planning

Annually Use data collected from Comprehensive Needs Assessments for School improvement plans and annual teacher Tech surveys to plan for relevant Technology-related Professional Development.

Responsible Stakeholder: Assistant Superintendent
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/25/2025
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 2: Implementation

Schedule and offer PD opportunities for staff to include during the school day, after school, summer; PD to be provided virtually, in PLCs, by tech integrator, outside presenters and in – house expertise.

Responsible Stakeholder: Instructional/PD Coach
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/25/2025
Anticipated Cost: $18,000

Action Step 3: Evaluation

Annually survey staff, students and parents to gauge perceived tech PD needs and provide data to support PD.

Responsible Stakeholder: Assistant Superintendent
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/25/2025
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 4: N/A


Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: N/A
Anticipated Cost: N/A

7. This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #2 from your answer to Question 1, above.

Action Step 5: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

Action Step 6: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

Action Step 7: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

Action Step 8: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

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Goal 3

1. What is the goal?

Maintain and improve a viable district network infrastructure that will accommodate 100% of technology utilization levels during regular district operations.

2. Which NYSED goal best aligns with this district goal?

Design, implement, and sustain a robust, secure network to ensure sufficient, reliable high-speed connectivity for learners, educators, and leaders.

3. Target Student Population(s)

All students.

4. Additional Target Population(s)

Teachers/Teacher Aides
Parents/Guardians/Families/School Community
Technology Integration Specialists

5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.

Maintaining and improving the district’s infrastructure is an ongoing process. The Director of Technology and his team will regularly monitor and evaluate the infrastructure for hardware that needs updating, upgrading or replacement.

6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above. All cells in the table must be populated. If you have less than four action steps for this goal, you must enter N/A into columns two, three, four, five, and seven, and choose June 30, 2021 in the date column for all unneeded rows in the table.

Action Step 1: Budgeting

Coordinate funding to add 20 additional wireless access points to high school classrooms that do not already have them to support reliable, high- speed connectivity for student and staff devices.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 01/31/2023
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 2: Infrastructure

Ensure enough available switch ports exist in the impacted network distribution closets to support the additional access points, either through eliminating unused connections or by adding additional network switches.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 01/31/2023
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 3: Infrastructure

Have an electrical subcontractor run new category 6 or better Ethernet cables from the appropriate network distribution closets to rooms lacking access points.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 06/30/2023
Anticipated Cost: $15,000

Action Step 4: Infrastructure

Purchase 20 new Cisco C9115AXI-B wireless access points, and associated licensing for the wireless controller.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/31/2023
Anticipated Cost: $16,000

7. This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above.

Action Step 5: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

Action Step 6: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

Action Step 7: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

Action Step 8: (No Response)

(No Response)

Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)
Other Responsible Stakeholder: (No Response)

Anticipated Dated of Completion: (No Response)
Anticipated Cost: (No Response)

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Goal 4

1. What is the goal?

Maintain and improve the network infrastructure at the main campus and the St. Regis Mohawk School through the ongoing replacement of networking switches.

2. Which NYSED goal best aligns with this district goal?

Design, implement, and sustain a robust, secure network to ensure sufficient, reliable high-speed connectivity for learners, educators, and leaders

3. Target Student Population(s)

All students.

4. Additional Target Population(s)

Teachers/Teacher Aides
Parents/Guardians/Families/School Community
Technology Integration Specialists

5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.

Maintaining and improving the district’s infrastructure is an ongoing process. The Director of Technology and his team will regularly monitor and evaluate the infrastructure for hardware that needs updating, upgrading or replacement.

6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #4 from your answer to Question 1, above. All cells in the table must be populated. If you have less than four action steps for this goal, you must enter N/A into columns two, three, four, five, and seven, and choose June 30, 2021 in the date column for all unneeded rows in the table.

Action Step 1: Budgeting

Budget to purchase stacking modules and cabling to stack three existing Catalyst 9200L switches into a single network stack.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/01/2022
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 2: Purchasing

SRM Building: Purchase stacking modules and cabling to stack three existing Catalyst 9200L switches into a single network stack.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/31/2022
Anticipated Cost: $4,000

Action Step 3: Purchasing

SRM Building: Purchase two Catalyst 9200L (C9200L-48P- 4X) network switches for network distribution closet IDF-03 through a vendor who can provide configuration and installation services and combine the new switches with an existing 9200L in that closet into a switch stack. Purchase two Catalyst 9200L (C9200L-48P-4X) network switches for network distribution closet IDF-05 through a vendor who can provide configuration and installation services to replace the existing stack of two Catalyst 2960X switches and increase the uplink speed from 1Gbps to 10Gpbs.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/31/2022
Anticipated Cost: $24,000

Action Step 4: Purchasing

SRM Building: Purchase two Catalyst 9200L (or newer) network switches for the main distribution closet (MDF) through a vendor who can provide configuration and installation services to replace two existing Catalyst 2960X switches and increase the uplink speed from 1Gbps to 10Gpbs.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/01/2022
Anticipated Cost: $12,000

7. This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #4 from your answer to Question 1, above.

Action Step 5: Budgeting

Main Building: Budget to purchase switches

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 01/31/2023
Anticipated Cost: $0

Action Step 6: Purchasing

Main Building: Purchase three Catalyst 9200L (or newer) networking switches through a vendor who can provide configuration and installation services to replace existing Catalyst 2960X switches in network distribution closets IDF-03, IDF- 04, and IDF10, and combine the new switches into existing switch stacks in those closets distribution closets. Purchase five Catalyst 9200L (or better) networking switches through a vendor who can provide configuration and installation services to replace existing Catalyst 2960X switches in the main distribution closet (MDF).

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/01/2023
Anticipated Cost: $48,000

Action Step 7: Purchasing

Main Building: Purchase nine Catalyst 9200L (or better) networking switches through a vendor who can provide configuration and installation services to replace existing Catalyst 2960X switches in network distribution closets IDF-01 and IDF-14, and combine the new switches into existing switch stacks in those closets.

Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: 08/01/2023
Anticipated Cost: $56,000

Action Step 8: N/A


Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
Other Responsible Stakeholder: N/A

Anticipated Dated of Completion: N/A
Anticipated Cost: N/A

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V. NYSED Initiatives Alignment

1. Explain how the district use of instructional technology will serve as a part of a comprehensive and sustained effort to support rigorous academic standards attainment and performance improvement for students.

The Salmon River Central School District acknowledges that technology is evolving at such a very fast rate and is present in so many aspects of both our personal and professional lives, that we as educators must also evolve and approach learning in new and creative ways to be able to accommodate the 21st Century learning skills to ensure our students have the foundation and experiences necessary for their future. In essence, we must provide our staff with the professional development to meet and support rigorous academic standards and that enables them to engage all learners, including students with disabilities, to learn lifelong adaptable skills. We must create learning environments that are student centered, promote critical thinking and digital citizenship, promote active engagement in accessing and using information, and provide opportunities that are
collaborative, and employ problem solving and effective communication. Data was collected regarding teacher use, comfort level and perception of technology as a priority in student learning. While these data are encouraging, we look to improve these numbers over years of this plan.

According to staff surveys:

  • 90% of staff report that they regularly use technology in their classroom activities; this must be sustained
  • 68% are confident in their ability to integrate technology successfully; this should increase by at least 3% per year
  • 69% of teacher feel it is important to integrate technology; this should increase by at least 3% per year

2. Explain the strategies the district plans to implement to address the need to provide equitable learning “everywhere, all the time” (National Technology Plan). Include both short and long-term solutions, such as device access, internet access, human capacity, infrastructure, partnerships, etc.

  • All students and staff will be provided with a device that will allow them to connect to curriculum content.
  • All students and staff have access to a robust internet connection while on campus
  • Funding is budgeted yearly toward infrastructure maintenance and advancement to ensure network capacity
  • The district continues to work with parents and local broadband networks to promote and communicate regarding increased digital access via NYS
    digital equity survey and available NYS Affordable Internet Options
  • Workshops and Professional Development will be provided regularly for staff, and relevant training for parents to strengthen our partnership and ensure parental involvement.
  • The district’s professional development will be differentiated to accommodate comfort and confidence levels of staff, and will include intentional scaffolded, ongoing professional development to address student and staff needs

3. Students with disabilities may be served through the use of instructional technology as well as assistive technology devices and services to ensure access to and participation in the general education curriculum. Describe how instruction using technology is differentiated to support the individual learning needs of students with disabilities.

The Salmon River Central School District ensures access to and participation in the general education curriculum through the use of instructional technology as well as assistive devices specific to the identified needs on their IEPs.

Devices, such as Chromebooks, are setup to assist the specific needs of students including accessibility settings, and peripheral devices/accessories that support the learning. This may include high contrast settings and text-to-speech devices, interactive boards, and other assistive software and devices, which will allow our students with disabilities to access learning at all times. Specific applications and devices may also be made available for special needs including ‘TouchChat’ on iPads, especially for speech related accommodations that enhance the students’ ability to communicate.

Other applications that are in regular use to help teachers differentiate learning include Zoom with breakout rooms, Jamboard, Google Meet, SeeSaw, Google Classroom, Screencastify, and many others.

4. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Please select all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for “anytime, anywhere” access (such as through
  • a class website or learning management system).
  • Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system or private
  • online video channel).
  • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written
  • instruction or content.
  • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
  • Assistive technology is utilized.
  • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill.
  • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.

5. Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of students with disabilities that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase student language and content learning through the use of technology. Please select all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom
  • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom
  • Research, writing and technology in a digital world
  • Enhancing children’s vocabulary development with technology
  • Reading strategies through technology for students with disabilities
  • Choosing assistive technology for instructional purposes in the special education classroom
  • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the special education classroom
  • Using technology as a way for students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills
  • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology
  • Electronic communication and collaboration
  • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility
  • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas
  • Helping students with disabilities to connect with the world

6. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Please select all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for “anytime, anywhere” access (such as through class website or learning management system).
  • Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system or private online video channel).
  • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
  • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
  • Home language dictionaries and translation programs are provided through technology.
  • Hardware that supports ELL student learning, such as home-language keyboards, translation pens, and/or interactive whiteboards, is utilized.
  • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill, such as through the creation of a product or recording of an oral response.
  • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.

7. The district’s Instructional Technology Plan addresses the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments in multiple languages.


7a. If Yes, check one below:

In the 5 languages most commonly spoken in the district.

7b. If ‘Other’ was selected in 7a, above, please explain here.

(No Response)

8. Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of English Language Learners that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase their student language development and content learning with the use of technology. Please select all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom
  • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom
  • Research, writing and technology in a digital world
  • Writing and technology workshop for teachers
  • Enhancing children’s vocabulary development with technology
  • Writer’s workshop in the Bilingual classroom
  • Reading strategies for English Language Learners
  • Moving from learning letters to learning to read
  • The power of technology to support language acquisition
  • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the language classroom
  • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology
  • Electronic communication and collaboration
  • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility
  • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas
  • Web authoring tools
  • Helping students connect with the world
  • The interactive whiteboard and language learning
  • Use camera for documentation

9. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity to ensure equitable access to instruction and learning? Please list all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • McKinney-Vento information is prominently located on individual school websites, as well as the district website.
  • If available, online/enrollment is easily accessible, written in an understandable manner, available in multiple languages and accessible from a phone
  • Set enrollment forms to automatically provide the McKinney-Vento liaison with contact information for students who indicate possible homelessness and/or housing insecurity
  • Create a survey to obtain information/about students’ living situations,/contact information,/access to internet and devices for/all/students in/the/enrollment processes/so the district can/communicate effectively and/evaluate their needs.
  • Provide students a way to protect and charge any devices they are provided/with/by the district.
  • Replace devices that are damaged or stolen/as needed.
  • Create individualized plans for providing access to technology and internet on a case-by-case basis for any student experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
  • Have/resources/available to/get/families and students step-by-step instructions on how to/setup and/use/their districts Learning Management System or website.
  • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
  • Conduct regular educational checkins with all students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity and secure any help needed to keep up with course work.

10. How does the district use instructional technology to facilitate culturally responsive instruction and learning environments? Please list all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  1. The district uses instructional technology to strengthen relationships and connections with families to assist in building a culturally responsive learning environment to enhance student learning.
  2. The district uses instructional technology to facilitate classroom projects that involve the community.
  3. The district uses instructional technology to develop and organize coherent and relevant units, lessons, and learning tasks that build upon students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences.
  4. The district uses instructional technology to assist in varying teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and language proficiencies.
  5. N/A
  6. The district uses instructional technology to facilitate collaborative classroom projects among heterogeneous student groups.

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VI. Administrative Management Plan

1. Staff Plan

Provide the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) count, as of plan submission date, of all staff whose primary responsibility is delivering technology integration training and support and/or technical support.

District Technology Leadership – 1.00 (FTE)
Instructional Support – 7.75 (FTE)
Technical Support – 4.00 (FTE)
Totals – 12.75 (FTE)

2. Investment Plan

Provide a three-year investment plan to support the vision and goals. All costs must be calculated for the entire three year-period, not annualized. For example, if a cost occurs annually, the estimated cost should include the annual cost times three.

Provide a three-year investment plan to support the vision in Section II and goals in Section IV.

A chart with drop-down choices is provided in order for NYSED to obtain consistent responses to this question. All cells in the table must be populated. If you have less than four items in your plan, you must choose N/A for columns one, two, four, five and six, and put zero in column three (estimated cost) for each unneeded row.

End User Computing Devices

Estimated Cost: $600,000 Annually
Potential Funding Source: BOCES Co-Ser purchase
Other Funding Source: N/A

Network and Infrastructure

Estimated Cost: $200,000 one-time
Potential Funding Source: BOCES Co-Ser purchase
Other Funding Source: N/A

Instructional and Administrative Software

Estimated Cost: $150,000 Annually
Potential Funding Source: BOCES Co-Ser purchase
Other Funding Source: N/A

Professional Development

Estimated Cost: $100,000 one-time
Potential Funding Source: BOCES Co-Ser purchase
Other Funding Source: N/A

3. Has the school district provided for the loan of instructional computer hardware to students legally attending nonpublic schools pursuant to Education Law, section 754?

Not Applicable

4. Districts are required to post either the responses to this survey or a more comprehensive technology plan that includes all of the elements in this survey.

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